- Anyone and Everyone who wants to enter The Yard area must register by filling out and submitting the proper waiver.
- Anyone under 18 years of age is required to wear a commercially manufactured and approved helmet – NO EXCEPTIONS.
- Anyone under 18 years of age must have a parent or guardian sign the waiver as well. -- NO EXCEPTIONS.
- Anyone 18 and over must sign a waiver that is updated annually to skate at their own risk.
- We highly recommend that every participant wear safety gear. Rental gear is available.
- Be aware of flying or loose boards.
- Be cool! Be mindful of good skate park etiquette and manners. Be respectful of the space and each other.
- Hoverboards, bikes, scooters, unicycles, roller blades, etc. are not permitted in the park. Skateboards only.
- Spectators are not permitted within the skate area.
- No graffiti, tagging or stickers.
- No vaping, smoking, chew/smokeless tobacco, alcohol or drug use in, on or around the premises.
- No admission will be allowed if a staff member believes the person is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- No loitering or riding in front or surrounding area, parking lot or street.
- For minors, failure to wear protective gear while in park area is grounds for removal from the skatepark.
- All skatepark users must be courteous and practice safe skateboarding at all times and avoid collisions with others. Aggressive behavior will not be tolerated.
- Any fighting or arguing with other skateboarders, both parties will be removed without a refund for any session or membership fees.
- Any intentional damage to The Yard, Ambler Skate Shop or the Apparel shop will make you liable for damages. We reserve the right to report the incident to authorities.
- No food or beverage allowed in skating area.
- No glass bottles.
- Dispose of all trash in trash/recycle cans located throughout the park.
- No amplified music, earbuds or headphones.
- The Yard reserves the right to close the park or change the hours of operation without prior notice. Check the site calendar for listed events
- We are not a babysitting service! We allow drop-off, IF kids are capable skaters, independent, mature, respectful and responsible! ANY problems and your child will not be allowed here unsupervised!
- All park users and members must have a liability waiver on file. NO EXCEPTIONS
- Any person violating rules and regulations, including failure to wear safety gear will have their session terminated without refund.
- Skatepark users use the park at their at their own risk of being injured. The Yard and Ambler Skate Shop & Apparel, as well as the property owner, will not be liable for any injuries.
- The Yard and Ambler Skate Shop & Apparel is not responsible for any personal property brought into or onto our premises, nor is it responsible for any vehicle left on the premises. Any vehicle left on property without prior consent may be towed at owner’s expense.
- All members must provide a photo ID or your photo will be taken for member identification.
- Any use of another members’ Yard Membership will forfeit that membership.
- Park users must abide by staff instructions at all times.
- Please notify staff of any unsafe conditions within the park.
- No lessons or classes allowed at the Yard unless taught by Yard staff or explicitly arranged for through Yard managers.
- Any photography or video for commercial use is strictly prohibited unless prior consent is given by The Yard and Ambler Skate Shop & Apparel management.
- The Yard and Ambler Skate Shop & Apparel will have full publishing rights to any and all footage obtained at The Yard and Ambler Skate Shop & Apparel.
- Please practice safe photography and videoing.
- We welcome you to post your pictures but please tag #theyardambler !